Mr. Guzmán's Physics Class
Cooperating Teacher: Scott Cater
Welcome! This will be my landing page for some facts about me, a couple of interactive forms for our use in class, as well as the general plans for the upcoming week.

Class Overview
Through my physics career, I have heard the words "Ugh, I HATED physics in high school" about 299,792,458 times. My mission as your teacher, and the goal of this class, is to make sure you never utter those words. I will present physics to you not as another math class, but rather as a creative problem-solving, engaging class. We will occasionally have to use some math, simply because that is precisely what physics is: a way of mathematically modeling the real world in order to predict future behavior. But, don't think of them as variables and operations. Instead, think of them as tools to solve a specific problem! You wouldn't try to take out a nail with a screwdriver, would you?
Through labs, seminars, and collaborative work, we will study a multitude of physics concepts. Amongst many others, we will cover projectile motion, forces, energy, and rotational motion. Most importantly, we will strive to relate what we learn and observe in the classroom to our understanding of the real world!
About Me
Hello! Thank you for scrolling this far down. Like I mentioned before, my name is Gerardo Guzmán. I studied physics at The University of Texas at Austin and graduated in 2021. I am currently going through my teaching apprenticeship at Crockett High School, seeking my certification in Physical Science Education 7-12. I decided to become a physics teacher since I graduated from The Science Academy of South Texas in 2016.
Beyond that, some of my absolute favorite things to do include filmmaking, photography, cooking, and listening to music. All of the pictures on this site are mine! Check out one of my recipes below!